
How to Attract Top Software Developers

on January 12, 2023 in Hiring Advice, IT Clients


Now more than ever, there is steep competition for top software talent. How can you attract new software developers in a tight labor market? And how can you retain these professionals once they’re on board? As it turns out, offering the opportunity for both creativity and skill development is essential. Here’s what that means for your company.

Consider Your Coding Platforms

Software developers know and love code, and you won’t attract or retain the best if you’re relying on drag-and-drop, low-code platforms. Yet pro-code (professional code) platforms, while beloved by developers, tend to make projects slow and expensive. Strike a balance with newer high-productivity, code-centric platforms. These tools keep projects moving along, but also allow your developers to work with complex code. Survey your current development team to find out which ones are their favorites. And don’t shy away from open-source technologies, which can be a valuable resource for any developer.

Offer Challenging Projects

If your company largely creates simple apps, give those to “citizen developers”—those on your team who understand basic coding but don’t have the specialized training of a developer. Offer juicy, complex projects to your development team.

Implement a Mentorship Program

If you want to attract a new generation of future development superstars, you’ll need to give them a path to long-term success. One of the best ways to do this is to create a mentorship program. Pair new software developers who are fresh out of school with more senior members of your team. This gives them the opportunity to learn your business from the ground up, while gradually working their way into top projects. And the software industry moves so fast that your junior developers may have a thing or two to teach your more experienced team members.

Foster a Collaborative Environment

Software development can be a cutthroat field, with everyone competing to develop the next big thing. But too much competition within your company can hurt morale. Promote a culture of sharing ideas and resources, championing everyone’s success, and collaborating across teams and departments.

Build A Forward-Thinking Software Team With PEAK

If you are looking for talented software professionals who can help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.