
Enhance Recruitment Success Through Candidate Journey Mapping

on December 14, 2023 in IT Clients


Are you struggling to keep your software team full? In today’s tight labor market, you are not alone. To take your recruitment process to the next level, consider implementing a technique known as candidate journey mapping. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Candidate Journey Mapping?

In a nutshell, a candidate journey map is a visual layout of each stage of your job application process, from initial awareness through hiring to the various touchpoints that candidates may interact with along the way. Candidate journey mapping helps you streamline your process, implement best practices, and, most importantly, put yourself in the candidate’s shoes. This will help you anticipate their needs and provide the best possible experience, thus putting you ahead of the crowd.

Journey Mapping Stages

No matter what specific position you are hiring for, there are six stages to every candidate’s journey:

  • The candidate first learns of the open role
  • They research your company and the position
  • They decide to put you on their short list of possible employers
  • The candidate actually submits a resume
  • They make their way through your interview process
  • They actually get the job

Note that most employers only focus on the selection process without a journey map. But you can make a good impression in four separate stages before that process begins!

Journey Mapping Touchpoints

Touchpoints are the times and places where the candidate interacts with your company or discusses your brand. These will be unique to your organization and possibly to the specific role. Surveying recently hired employees is a great way to learn when and where these interactions occurred. Remember that they won’t all be affiliated with your company directly. A candidate might research your company on Glassdoor, make a Facebook post about their application experience, or talk to a friend about their upcoming interview in person.

Use the collected data to list channels or places where interactions or discussions occurred. Put them into the stages timeline according to when they occur. You’re ready to create a visual candidate journey map with stages and touchpoints throughout the candidate experience.

Using Your Candidate Journey Map

The candidate journey map gives you the data you need to refine and improve every hiring process step. Look for areas of friction and brainstorm solutions to fix them. Ask your new hires about the most frustrating parts of the experience and solicit their feedback on how to do a better job.

Above all, remember that the journey map is a living document. It will evolve over the years as your hiring processes change. Update it every few months, and you will be poised to create an excellent hiring experience that sets you apart from your competitors.

Build A Forward-Thinking Software Team With PEAK

If you are looking for talented software professionals to help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.