
How to Bridge the Talent Gap of Engineering in Philadelphia

on May 18, 2023 in Engineering Clients, Hiring Advice


If you’re having trouble attracting and retaining top engineering talent in Philadelphia, you are not alone. There is a real brain drain happening in the engineering industry right now. We’re still in the middle of the Great Reshuffle, in which people in all industries are searching for new roles. But beyond that, all types of industries are adopting new technologies at a previously unimaginable pace, creating seemingly endless opportunities for engineers. Many top employees are leaving traditional engineering firms to pursue jobs in other fields. And Baby Boomers are retiring faster than new graduates can replace them.

But the news is not all bleak. The recent wave of tech layoffs has created a surge of available talent. In order to attract and retain them, you’ll need to rethink the value proposition you offer. Here are some tips to bridge the engineering talent gap in Philadelphia.

Highlight Career Paths

One of the main reasons that engineers switch to tech firms is rapid career advancement. Find a way to shorten the cycle of promotions, and then highlight your career pathways in your job ads. Also lay out your short-term and medium-term goals for new hires, to help them understand what to expect.

Pay for Skills

Not all engineering skills are the same. If a new recruit has unique or hard to find skills, reward them. You can tailor some of your job postings around this idea, noting that the base salary range for the position is X, but those with Y or Z skills will receive a premium.

Focus on Employee Development

Tech companies know how vital it is to keep their employees up to date. But traditional engineering firms don’t always provide training and development opportunities—even though the average engineer’s skills are largely obsolete in as little as two years. Focusing on employee development will help you retain top talent, while also ensuring that your company is ready for the challenges of the future.

Offer Meaningful Projects

Engineers like to know that their work is valuable. They also want to see the results of their efforts. Find ways to automate repetitive processes, freeing up your engineers to create and problem solve. Be transparent about your firm’s business goals and values, and show your engineering team how their projects support the broader vision.

Build A Forward-Thinking Engineering Team With PEAK

If you are looking for talented engineering professionals in Philadelphia who can help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.