
How COVID-19 is Changing the Way We Work

on June 5, 2020 in Engineering Clients


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives more significantly than anything most of us have ever lived through before, and most people agree that things will never be exactly the same again. This is true not just in our personal lives, but in our work lives, as well. Since we cannot go backward, it is time to look forward and start thinking about the ways COVID-19 is changing the way we work.  

The Evolution of the Corporate Office  

Moving into the future, corporate offices will likely look and function much differently than they did in 2019. Until treatments and vaccines are readily available, offices will need to spread workers out to practice responsible social distancing. We will probably see a reverse in the trend of open floor plans and a return to cubicles and dividers to keep people as separated as possible.  

It is also likely that companies will adopt much more liberal work-from-home policies or they will stagger work-fromhome schedules to ensure the office is not fully populated on any given day. Lunchrooms will no longer be gathering places and visitors may be highly restricted.  

We will also probably see much more signage in corporate offices. Signs in warehouses and manufacturing floors help keep people safe and the same will hold true for post-pandemic offices. Signs may direct traffic through halls one way, remind workers to wash their hands frequently, ask them to clean surfaces after using them, and more.  

The Rise of the Work-Ready Home  

Working from home used to mean a laptop and a quiet section of the home. Since more people will be working from home more often, there will be a rise in the setup of home offices and an improvement in the technology we all use in our home. Higher-speed internet, better computers, video equipment and more will be common in homes.  

E-Learning Will Rule Training and Development  

Moving forward, we will probably see a vast reduction in classroom-style training and development sessions and a significant rise in e-learning. The pre-2020 need for upskilling hasn’t gone away. In fact, it may become even more critical as companies will need to lean on technology more than ever before when things return to (a new) normal. While e-learning used to be reserved for specific needs, it will likely be the primary way most companies train and develop staff.  

Are You Ready to Hire for the Workplace of the Future?  

If you are looking for talented technical and engineering talent, PEAK Technical Staffing is ready to partner with you. We can help you fill job openings quickly, access skilled short-term employees and help you hire remote, full-time employees. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you access top technical talent and achieve your goals.    
