
Luring in the Pros: How to Attract Top Software Candidates Effectively

on October 12, 2023 in IT Clients


While it is true that some tech companies are experiencing layoffs or hiring freezes, demand for top software candidates continues to increase. This means that you’ll face intense competition when trying to fill your open positions. Fortunately, though, there are some proactive steps you can take to lure in the pros.

Make It Fair and Objective

Top software candidates are highly intelligent, and they will see right through a hiring process that isn’t fair or objective. Use software to strip out identifying information from resumes. Put together a DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) panel to identify and address bias. Create a checklist for hiring and put every single candidate, regardless of how they found your company, through exactly the same process.

Implement Tech Assessments

A resume is a great starting point, but it won’t tell you much about whether a particular candidate is really right for an open position. Tech assessments allow candidates to demonstrate their real-world skills. Not only does this allow you to see if an applicant’s tech knowledge is a good match, but it lets non-traditional, self-taught candidates compete on an equal playing field.

Invest in Your Work Culture

Top software candidates don’t just want a paycheck. They want to work for a company that is supportive, collaborative, and innovative. It’s worth investing time and money in taking your work culture to the next level. You don’t necessarily need to provide over-the-top perks like nap pods, but do your part to make the office environment as welcoming and inclusive as possible.

Invest in Your Current Team

Rather than going outside the company every time you need new talent, it’s far more efficient to promote from within. Invest in your employees from their first day on the job through a combination of job shadowing, mentorships, and paid training. This will give you an ongoing pipeline of top software candidates from which to choose, while also attracting new hires who want a long-term career.

Build A Forward-Thinking Software Team With PEAK

If you are looking for talented software professionals to help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.