
How to Start Q2 Strong

on April 6, 2023 in Engineering Candidates


Can you believe we’re already starting the second quarter of 2023? If you’ve been letting your career goals slide, now is the right time to make a renewed push. Here are some tips for a strong Q2.

Take Time to Assess

Every quarter, take a hard look at your performance thus far. What have you done so far this year that supports your goals, and where have you fallen short? Do the goals you set at the beginning of the year still align with what you want to achieve? Knowing where you’re going and how far you have gotten will help you know how to focus your energy for a strong Q2.

Make a Commitment

The best way to accomplish anything in life is to stop making excuses and instead commit to making it happen. This isn’t easy. Life has a habit of getting in the way. But if you vow to reach your goal despite all obstacles, you will start taking the kind of action that needs to happen to get you to where you want to be.

Never Say Die

You will likely fail more than once on the way to your goal. So what? We celebrate other people’s comeback stories, from a dramatic pass that changes the tide of a football game in the final seconds to a disgraced Hollywood actor who finds redemption. You, too, can always make a comeback. If your first quarter wasn’t what you wanted, Q2 is an excellent time to start anew.

Say No to Things That Don’t Support Your Goal

As Miss Manners says, No is a complete answer. There are so many things competing for your time and attention. If you don’t set boundaries, you won’t have the time or energy to pursue your dreams. Remember, each thing that you say No to frees you up to say Yes when the right thing comes along.

Change Your Strategy

A quote often attributed to Einstein says that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Continuing to do what you did in the first quarter won’t lead to success in Q2. Either do what you’re doing in a new way, or do something different altogether.

About PEAK

PEAK Technical Consulting has created connections with employers nationwide, where you can find projects and roles to make the most of your abilities and advance your career. Since 1968, PEAK has helped engineering professionals find jobs that offer flexibility, challenges and rewards. We are committed to giving you the resources and support you need to build the career of your dreams.

If you are looking for employers and opportunities that will take your engineering career to the next level and help you to achieve your goals, contact a PEAK recruitment expert today.