
Tips for Managing a Team of Engineers in Detroit

on April 27, 2023 in Engineering Clients


Once known for its vital role in the auto industry, and then a period of urban decay, Detroit has reinvented itself as an up-and-coming tech hub. With a highly supportive local business climate and lots of tech professionals calling the city home, it can be an excellent spot for any tech company. But the actual work of managing employees remains the same no matter where you are. Here a few tips for managing your Detroit engineering team.

Learn the Language

You don’t need to be an engineer to successfully manage an engineering team. But you do need to learn the basics. In many ways, engineers speak their own language, and it’s not fair to them to have to explain every time they need your advice. Take the time to develop a general understanding of how the type of engineering your team does works.

Don’t Micromanage

If you do have an engineering background, it can be tough to resist getting involved. But engineers are problem solvers, and they won’t appreciate constant interference. Set challenging tasks, make yourself available for consultation, and then back off.

Minimize Distractions, But Offer Options

Engineering is tough, and you need to give your team the space they need to focus. Create a calm work environment and allow them to set away messages on their voicemail and text apps. At the same time, engineers often need to step back from a problem to look at it in a different way. Offer communal spaces, well away from the quiet workstations, that provide plenty of things to do.

Show Them the Impact

Engineers love solving problems, but they tend to be uninterested in busywork. Show your engineering team how their work impacts both the company as a whole and the larger community.

Keep Them on Their Toes

Most engineers love learning and growing. If their work grows stale, they will become bored and disengaged. Help each person on your engineering team develop career goals that are individually suited for them. Then offer the training and support they need to fulfill those goals. Along the way, throw out particularly challenging tasks now and then, and let them rise to the occasion.

Be an Advocate

Engineers tend to take pride in their work, but they can also be their own harshest critic. Advocate for your engineering team, letting the rest of the organization know what they’re working on and why. Invite team members to speak about their work at company meetings. And help them to see the value in their contributions and learn to accept “good enough.” Many engineers will keep tinkering forever unless someone reassures them that the project is ready to go.

Build a Forward-Thinking Engineering Team with PEAK

If you are looking for talented engineering professionals in Detroit who can help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.