What to Look for in Your Next Technical Executive
Are you ready to hire an IT executive? There is a world of difference between a management position and the executive suite, so you’ll need to be careful in making your hiring decision. Here are some things that you absolutely must look for in your next IT executive.
Tech Skills
It should go without saying that an executive in any field needs to be at the top of that field. Look for a candidate with impeccable IT skills, backed up by solid experience. If you’re not an IT expert yourself, consider working with an IT recruitment agency that understands these unique skills.
Communication Abilities
IT has a language all its own, but IT executives can’t expect to use that language all the time. They need to know how to code-switch, developing a coherent message, and delivering it in ways that are understandable by very different audiences. From marketing to executive meetings to “all employees” memos, your new IT executive needs to be comfortable communicating technical information to non-technical people.
Business Savvy
IT is generally very zoomed-in work. That is, IT professionals focus on specific problems that are right in front of them. But executives need to understand how to zoom out, thinking about how each project and each decision impacts the company as a whole. Look for general business sense, a strong understanding of the organization, and the ability to consider conflicting opinions from a wide range of stakeholders.
Strategic Thinking
An IT executive is responsible for developing an overall vision for the company’s IT. They then need to create an actionable strategy with goals and milestones. IT has become a core component that runs throughout all departments and ultimately affects the bottom line. You need someone who is able to both dream big and craft the finer details of a successful plan.
Leadership and Employee Development
It’s not enough for your IT executive to be a good manager. Ultimately, that person is responsible for leading the department through crises while developing the next generation of IT leaders. Look for someone who knows when to change strategies and when to stay the course. They should also how to keep both employees and fellow executives calm and how to shape and influence those on their team.
Build A Forward-Thinking Tech Team With PEAK
If you are looking for talented IT professionals who can help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.
Don’t forget to check out PEAK Technical Staffing featured in the “Best Engineering Staffing Agencies” blog!