
How to Attract and Retain Women In IT

on October 28, 2021 in Hiring Advice, IT Clients


The Great Resignation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has made hiring more difficult overall. But many companies were struggling to attract and retain women in IT roles even before the pandemic. What are female tech specialists looking for, and how can you convince them to work for you? Here are some tips.

Offer Family-Friendly Leave Policies

Even in the 21st century, the lion’s share of family responsibilities tend to fall on women. Maybe they need time off to care for a sick child or take an aging parent to a medical appointment. Whatever the need, family-friendly leave policies show women that you value them as individuals as well as employees. But make sure you apply these policies equally to everyone. The ability to take care of family needs shouldn’t be hampered by gender.

Build-in Flexibility

Everyone, regardless of gender, prefers companies that allow flexibility in how and when they complete their projects. You might offer partial or fully remote work options, flexible hours, or even job-sharing programs. This shows concern for your employees’ needs and trusts in them to get the job done without you hovering over their shoulders.

Pay Equally

Women still make just 66 percent of men’s salaries for equal work in the United States. One of the best ways to attract and retain top women in IT is to pay them exactly the same as their male counterparts. Foster a culture of transparency in which it’s okay to discuss pay and ask for a raise.

Put Women in Charge

Women want to know that they can carve out a career path and that they won’t be routinely passed over for promotions in favor of their male counterparts. They may also be looking for female role models since tech overall tends to be heavily male-dominated. Show your commitment by ensuring that a reasonable percentage of top leadership positions are held by women.

Develop Mentorship Programs

From mentoring entry-level women who want to move up in your organization to supporting organizations that focus on attracting girls to STEM programs, there are numerous ways to develop female talent for the future. As women in your company get promotions, encourage them to join the movement to boost women in IT across the board. Peer mentors, who followed a similar path, can be powerful motivators for women considering long-term technical careers.

Build A Forward-Thinking Tech Team With PEAK

If you are looking for talented IT professionals who can help your organization achieve its goals, contact the experts at PEAK Technical Staffing today to learn how we can help you access cutting-edge talent.

Don’t forget to check out PEAK Technical Staffing featured in the “Best Engineering Staffing Agencies” blog!
