Three Advantages Of Hiring IT Contractors
If you are like most managers who hire for IT, you’ve struggled to find top talent over the last several years. If you’ve been spinning your wheels using the same tactics over and over, an effective way to close skill gaps and overcome hiring challenges is to work with IT contractors. These skilled professionals are the “free agents” of the IT sector, trading traditional, full-time roles in favor of working on short-term projects that allow them to use their best skills. There are many benefits to hiring IT contractors to round out your team – here are three.
Get Fast Access to Critical Skills
Finding, hiring, training and onboarding a new IT employee in the current market can take months – or longer. Hiring IT contractors gives you fast access to skilled talent. When you work with an IT recruiting firm that specializes in contract employees, you can have a skilled employee signed on, onboarded and working on site long before you’d ever even find a suitable full-time candidate. Contractors can be used to fill skill gaps on critical projects, or they can cover staffing holes while you conduct a search for a full-time employee.
Control Costs
One of the biggest benefits of hiring IT contractors is cost control. First and foremost, a contractor’s pay typically comes out of the project budget rather than the payroll budget which makes a big impact on the bottom line.
Using contractors as-needed also helps control salary and benefits budgets across the board. Often, companies hire full-time tech pros for a project and then have to let them go when it’s over. Contractors are hired for a set time period and you are not responsible for paying for their benefits or employment taxes during the contract term.
Significantly Reduce Hiring Risk
When a contractor’s term is up, their job is done. There is no need to worry about severance pay, internal staff morale is not impacted by the loss, there is no scramble to replace the contractor and the process of parting ways is extremely smooth. The risk of working with contractors is extremely low.
However, for contractors who perform well, there is also the potential to hire that person on full-time if they are interested in staying on after their term is up. This can also reduce hiring risk because you’ve seen the person working, you know what to expect and they mesh well with the team. The recruiting firm you worked with can help facilitate a smooth transition from contractor to employee, as well.
Are You Looking to Hire IT Contractors?
If you are ready to start reaping the benefits of hiring IT contractors, PEAK Technical Consulting can help. We will connect you with the best talent in the business, quickly. Contact us today to learn more about the ways we can help you achieve your tech recruiting goals.